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English-American Library of Nice

Holy Trinity Nice has a long standing connection with the

English-American library housed in the Church Hall basement

A historic library housed in our grounds

English American library.png

Who we are

  • A non-profit association (loi 1901)

  • Managed and run by volunteers

  • A short video explains our history, who we are and what we do.

Opening hours & contact

  • Wednesday afternoons 15.00 - 17.00

  • Friday afternoons 15.00 - 17.00

  • Saturday mornings 10.00 - 12.00

  • Telephone 04 93 87 42 67

  • Email:

Our collection

  • Approximately 17,000 volumes

  • Including, biographies, history, travel, nature, science and a special collection about the two World Wars

  • Current paperback fiction and 4,000 biographies, diaries and letters.

Find us

  • At the same address since 1862

  • Situated in the entresol of Holy Trinity Centenary Hall 

  • Readers & visitors enter via Holy Trinity gate, 11 Rue de la Buffa, past the cemetery to the back of the Parish Hall

  • Our official address is 12b rue de France but this entrance is closed.


Yearly subscriptions: 40€ + one off 15€ refundable deposit

Tourist/Visitors: weekly or monthly rates starting at 16€/week

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