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A Tribute to Carole Labrousse

Carole's funeral took place on Wednesday 3 July in Mauvezin in the Gers close to the family home of her husband Jean-Phillipe. The funeral was held there in the Temple Protestant and officiated by the pastor of the church and the Anglican priest Revd Jacqueline Rodwell. Joe Voelker attended the funeral and conveyed condolences from a number of people connected with Holy Trinity Nice and the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe in both of which she was long active.

Joe spoke briefly about the importance to Carole of her spiritual life, including the anecdote of when she explained to him Euler's Proof of the Existence of God on the back of a piece of scrap paper (which Joe then kept on the fridge for years until the ink had completely faded!). Joe ended by offering a prayer from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, suggested by Mary Haddad:

"God of all, we pray to you for Carole and for all those whom we love and see no longer. Grant to them eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them. May her soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen."

Carole's daughter Sarah then shared the following touching words:

Where should I start? 

You taught me so much. 

There are so many things I want to remember.

Your love for your family and friends, for humankind, for tolerance.

Your disgust of hatred and exclusion.

Your passion for politics and your engagement with the civil-rights movement, Democrats Abroad, and Holy Trinity Nice.

Your battles, especially for your school and your students or whatever did not seem right.

Your love of teaching and of your pupils, colleagues and school.

Your passion for novels, cinema, opera and music.

Your incredible cooking and all the other things you sowed, knitted or mended for us.

How could a little girl from Pittsburgh north side end up having such an incredible life?

But you did it all -  with Grandmother’s support, Papa’s love (62 years of marriage a few days ago) and with your great intelligence and courage.

Your great sense of humour.

Your generosity.

Thank you for everything.

It has been a wonderful adventure to be your daughter.


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