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Remembering Peter Jackson

Richard Challoner shares some thoughts ahead of the anniversary of the death of Fr Peter.

It is hard to believe that on the 30th August it will be two years since our previous Chaplain Peter Jackson tragically passed away, just three months before he was due to retire.

Peter came to Holy Trinity after distinguished service as a school chaplain and educator (at Aldenham School and Harrow) and as a parish priest in the United Kingdom and the United States. Peter was also advisor to two governments on curriculum and on worship in schools, the author of various books, a BBC prayer of the day presenter and the founding chairperson of a UK charity for children with life-altering/threatening illness.

Peter met his husband Joe in Washington DC where Peter was to subsequently work at St Patrick's Episcopal Church. They then moved with their children Elliot and Anneli in 2003 to Christ Church Southgate, London, where for eleven years Peter was a much loved and effective vicar, spiritually, pastorally and financially.

When Peter arrived at Holy Trinity in 2014 the venerable church was in need of spiritual and financial renewal and over the following years Peter made a big impact in both regards. Peter certainly left Holy Trinity in a stronger financial situation than he found it and he will long be remembered for his wonderful explicatory sermons, insightful and informative as they were.

I think all would agree however, that his greatest contribution, assisted by Joe, was to get our community through two particularly serious events: firstly the horrific attack of 14th July, 2016, which closely affected members of Holy Trinity's community; and of course, the COVID pandemic.

The pandemic was a trying and frightening time for everyone, but through the use of both a Phone Tree keeping people in touch, streaming services from the church organised by Joe and also the use of Zoom for a Study Group, Peter succeeded in not only keeping the community of Holy Trinity together, but more than that, binding us together as a family. Thanks to Peter, we as a congregation and a community are closer than ever and it is a wonderful thing to see that spirit blossoming in the new era.

Gentle, warm, compassionate, erudite and possessed of a mischievous sense of humour, Peter Jackson gave so much to Holy Trinity and one so wishes that he could have enjoyed his reward of a happy retirement with Joe. It was not to be, but we can take heart that Peter now rests in the cemetery of Holy Trinity and his spirit watches over us.


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