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In France, a church wedding on its own does not have any legal status and therefore can only take place after the couple has gone through a civil marriage ceremony (see the Marriage in France website for the requirements for a civil marriage). Therefore, many couples from the expatriate community find it easier to have their formal marriage in their home country (especially if it’s close by eg the United Kingdom). Thereafter they return to France for a church wedding which is actually a blessing service of the Civil Ceremony (whether in the UK or France).


Either way, we are delighted that you are considering having your wedding here. Holy Trinity in Nice is a magnificent church in which to be married with a long aisle, a fine pipe organ and beautiful surroundings as well as grounds in which to gather. St Hugh’s in Vence is perfect for a small intimate wedding with a small number of guests.


Whatever, your plans, you are invited to contact Fr Jeremy, who will discuss your particular circumstances with you and assist you in the planning of your special service.


Renewal of Vows


For those who have been married for some time and want to celebrate their marriage by reaffirming their marriage vows, we offer a service of Thanksgiving for Holy Matrimony (Marriage). This is particularly suitable for those celebrating an anniversary or maybe even after a time of difficulty and/or separation to recommit themselves to each other in the presence of God. Please contact Fr Jeremy who will assist you in these services of thanksgiving and blessing.

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